Discover our collection of exceptional Bemboka pieces, designed around modern colours and premium-quality materials, including luxury bath towels designed in Australia and made in Turkey.
Bemboka 护理说明
Bemboka 产品采用优质材料制成,非常耐用。该系列中的大多数产品不需要任何特殊护理,Bemboka 纯棉、安哥拉和超细美利奴羊毛、70% 竹、30% 棉和纯亚麻床单系列均可机洗和烘干。我们建议您在 40 度的温暖、温和的循环中清洗您的 Bemboka 产品。在阴凉处晾干产品,避免阳光直射,或用中火烘干。注意不要将洗衣机或滚筒式干衣机装得太满,以便为产品有效循环留出空间。 Pure Cashmere 系列和 Bemboka 亚麻羊毛和棉填充被子只能干洗。始终遵循护理标签上的说明。
我们建议使用不含磷酸盐的洗衣液。请勿将彩色 Bemboka 产品与漂白剂、过氧化物或荧光增白剂接触。这些太苛刻了,会缩短软材料纤维的使用寿命。
Bemboka 自豪地与一些世界上最壮观的豪华酒店合作,为喜欢精致细节的客人提供优质床单和产品。合作伙伴需要适合处理 100% 棉和羊毛物品的商业洗衣设施。仅配备处理合成混纺织物的洗衣店不适用于 Bemboka 产品。必须注意确保洗衣机不会超载,并且自动洗涤剂进料系统不会泄漏漂白剂。不得使用温度不受控制的气体干燥器。
Bemboka 建议不要在我们的任何产品上使用漂白剂或过氧化苯甲酰。与漂白剂或过氧化苯甲酰接触的织物将永久变色,漂白剂留下绿色,过氧化物留下橙色。许多面部和痤疮产品含有过氧化苯甲酰,可能会使产品变色。为了妥善保养您的 Bemboka 产品并采取必要的预防措施以避免永久性损坏,请在使用前检查面霜、化妆品和洗护用品的标签。
Bemboka 使用最高标准的棉纱,直接从仍然是良好棉花倡议 (BCI) 积极成员的供应商处采购,并符合全球有机纺织品 (GOTS) 5.0 标准和有机含量标准 100 (OCS 100) ,证明纱线含有 95-100% 经认证的有机纤维。
Bemboka towels are manufactured using organic dyes and are certified under STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX®. This certification accounts for materials used across all stages of production, including accessory materials used in the process.
Caring for Bemboka
Choosing the right laundry detergent.
We recommend using phosphate-free liquid laundry detergents.
Bemboka for commercial use
Bemboka is proudly partnered with some of the world’s most spectacular luxury hotels, providing premium linen and products for the guest who appreciates the finer detail.
Managing stains
Bemboka products are proudly manufactured in New Zealand, Portugal, Turkey and Italy, producing premium quality and maintaining a strong, sustainable manufacturing process. This process eliminates the use of any harsh chemicals, ensuring low energy use, high labour standards and a strategically implemented, effectively managed recycling process.
Raw Materials
Bemboka works closely with its raw material suppliers to ensure all products used in the production process are sustainably sourced.
Bemboka packaging is proudly 100% recyclable, and in the process of incorporating EcoPure® into its packaging process; an innovative organic additive that causes plastic to biodegrade through a series of chemical and biological processes in a landfill disposal environment.
Animal Welfare
Bemboka is an advocate of Animal Welfare, and guarantees no harm caused to animals in the production of its goods.
Bemboka strives to source cotton yarns of only the highest standard using suppliers who are active members of the Better Cotton Initiative; a global not-for-profit organization and the largest cotton sustainability programme in the world.
The Global Organic Textile Standard trademark and Organic Content Standard trademarks can be found on all cotton and bamboo Bemboka products:
Global Organic Textile (GOTS) 5.0Organic Content Standard (OCS) 2.0
A textile product carrying the GOTS label grade ‘organic’ or the Organic Content Standard 100 (OCS 100) contains 95-100% certified organic fibres.
Superfine merino wool and angora yarns used by Bemboka are sourced and spun directly on site in New Zealand, and strictly comply with all New Zealand legal legislations and requirements.
Express Delivery
Free Shipping within Australia Over $60 1/3 +Business Days
Asia 3/5 +Business Days
Europe 3/5 +Business Days
United States 3/5 +Business Days
Worldwide Standard Delivery 7/20 +Business Days
For Eu customers please note that all the prices are exclusive of VAT.
Click this Shipping Policy Page for complete details.
Discover our collection of exceptional Bemboka pieces, designed around modern colours and premium-quality materials, including luxury bath towels designed in Australia and made in Turkey.